NFT Studio

Dive into the documentation for our EasyNFT functionality, which allows you to create collections of NFTs on supported protocols. Discover how to mint NFTs, manage collections, and facilitate secure a

Supported Networks

  • Ethereum (Main Net and Test Nets like Goerli and Sepholia)

  • Polygon (Main Net and Test Net Mumbai)

  • Avalanche (Main Net and Test Net Fuji)

  • Arbitrum (Main Net and Test Net Goerli)

  • Optimism (Main Net and Test Net Goerli), and more.

Supported NFT Standards


Creating your NFT Collection

Login --> DApp Studio --> Build It --> Easy Builder --> Launch NFT Studio

The NFT collections page opens up.

This page displays a list of the collections created. At first, there are no collections created.

To create a new collection, click on the Create New button

Please enter the Collection Name, Collection Description, and Collection Symbol.

Select the NFT standard from the Choose Standard NFT dropdown

Select if you want the NFT to be soulbound or not from the Select Soulbound Option dropdown. Soulbound Tokens are NFTs that are non-transferable, making them ideal for managing permanent records

Select the required chain for the collection from Choose Chain for Collection dropdown.

Select the required wallet type from the Choose Wallet Type dropdown.

Select the required wallet from the Choose Wallet dropdown.

Upload a photo for the collection. This photo is only a cover image for the created NFT collection

Click the Deploy Collection button to create the collection.

Minting your NFT

The Minting of NFT process involves the creation of NFTs and minting them.

Clicking on a collection will open the respective NFT collection page.

This page displays all the minted NFTs. This page is split into two sections, Minted NFTs and Pending NFTs

All the synced NFTs are displayed in the Minted NFTs section

All the yet to be synced NFTs are displayed in the Pending NFTs section

The Sync button is used to update the NFTs from pending to Minted status. Kind of like a refresh button.

Click on the Mint NFT to Collection button. This will open the following page,

Here, Upload the image for which the NFT is to be created.

Enter the name of the NFT and the description of the NFT.

Enter the Recipient Address for the NFT. It is the contract address which is available at the top of the same page

Enter the API key. The API key is available on the collections page.

Choose the storage method from the Choose Storage Method dropdown menu.

You can also add traits for the NFT if required. Traits are specifications of the NFT. For example, 'Rarity' can be a trait. Any number of traits can be added for now.

Click on the Mint NFT button to create and mint the NFT.

Last updated