
Learn how to create endpoints on our hosted nodes. Follow step-by-step instructions and guidelines for configuring and provisioning endpoints based on your desired protocol and network.

The Endpoints/Infrastructure category of services provided by KrypCore Web3 serves as the foundation for web3 integration. It offers three essential endpoints:

  1. Blockchain Endpoints: Users can create, configure, and manage blockchain endpoints, allowing them to connect and interact with various blockchain networks. This facilitates the seamless integration of smart contracts, decentralized applications, and blockchain-based functionalities.

  2. Storage Endpoints: KrypCore Web3 provides users with distributed storage endpoints, enabling secure and scalable storage solutions for their decentralized applications. Users can effortlessly manage files, pin and unpin content, and leverage the decentralized storage infrastructure for efficient data management.

  3. Decentralized Identity (DI) Endpoints: Users can create DI endpoints that facilitate the management of decentralized identities. This empowers users to handle identity verification, credential issuance, and identity-related operations securely and in a decentralized manner.

By offering these robust infrastructure services, KrypCore Web3 ensures that developers and enterprises have the necessary foundations to leverage web3 technologies effectively.

Last updated