Sign Message

The "Sign Message" feature in the KrypC wallet-dev Service API allows users to generate cryptographic signatures for messages, providing a secure way to verify ownership or authorization in decentralized applications. This feature is useful for identity verification and message authentication in blockchain and cryptographic systems.

This will allow to Sign message.

API Specification

Sign Message API


To sign message API under the given instance.


Request Body

    "Data": {
        "signature": "0x1b5ef0f705318b13cd25e46492897c3d59058334bca7931cd6e01a3a4f9a374671bb93c34e926ffd3c1326be91beda6bc5ecec2813a9bc75ebae4df6a24ac69901"
    "Message": "Signed message successfully",
    "Status": "SUCCESS"

Take a look at how you might call this method using our official libraries, or via curl

curl --location '' \
--header 'DappId: **********' \
--header 'Authorization: **********' \
--header 'SubscriptionId: ********' \
--header 'ChainId: ********' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "privateKey": "**********",

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