Create Wallet

On Krypcore, creating your smart contract wallet is simple establish your wallet, configure security choices to tailor access, and enable smart features for smooth, decentralised control over your assets and transactions.

This creates a wallet using this method.

API Specification

Create Wallet


Creates a new wallet under the given instance.


Request Body

    "Data": {
        "address": "******",
        "walletId": "*****"
    "Message": "wallet added successfully",
    "Status": "SUCCESS"

Take a look at how you might call this method using our official libraries, or via curl:

curl --location '' \
--header 'DappId: *****' \
--header 'Authorization: *****' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"walletName":"ak10","owner":"0x39C1a4d1ff3cb5Ddf491db05E6d3a4DA61eD5b5f"}'

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