Adding network to Metamask

Configuring Metamask with Krypcore Web3 Endpoints

Step 1: Create a Krypcore Web3 Account And Create Endpoints

Log in to the Krypcore Web3 platform or create a new account.

Step 2: Open Metamask

After Creating the endpoint, copy the provided RPC URL. Open your Metamask wallet and navigate to the "Add Network" tab.

Step 3: Add Network Manually

In the "Add Network" tab, click on "Custom RPC" to add a network manually.

Step 4: Configure Network Details

Fill in the following details:

  • Network Name: Choose a name for your network.

  • New RPC URL: Paste the copied RPC URL from Krypcore.

  • Chain ID, Currency Symbol, Block Explorer URLs: Refer to the specific information for your protocol and network.

Step 5: Save Configuration

Hit "Save" to save the configured network settings.

You have successfully configured Metamask with Krypcore Web3 Endpoints. Your new network should now be visible in the list of choices in Metamask.

Last updated