
Signs a transaction that can be submitted to the network later using eth_sendRawTransaction - not supported by QuickNode! The API credit value for this method is 1.

Note: Krypc does not support the eth_signTransaction RPC method

  1. Parameters

  • Object array- The transaction response object which contains the following fields:

    • from The address the transaction is sent from

    • to (optional for contract creation) The address the transaction is directed to

    • gas (default: 90000) The integer of the gas provided for the transaction execution

    • gasPrice The integer of the gasPrice used for each paid gas, in wei

    • value The integer of the value sent with this transaction, in wei

    • data The compiled code of a contract or the hash of the invoked method signature and encoded parameters

    • nonce The integer of a nonce. This allows overwriting the own pending transactions that use the same nonce

Not supported by Krypc!
  1. Returns- The signed transaction object

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